Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Rocking the Vote

Was there something to do today?
In case you forgot, you're supposed to vote today. But if you're on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or just walking around in this world then I'm sure you didn't forget. Social media is taking over the day and I've never seen so many statuses and tweets and photos of the same thing over and over again.  I wouldn't be surprised if the 2016 elections are counted on Facebook polls or attended through Google Hangouts.

After filling out my absentee ballot!  First time voter right here
But it's not such a bad thing. If our generation wants to vote, then I say vote! And share the fact that you voted with your 2,000 closest friends on the internet.  Who says that changing your profile picture the day of elections won't get other people out to the polls today?!  Here are links to some of my favorite (not-so-political) articles and most entertaining snapshots of updates and tweets I've complied throughout the day. I'm catching the social-media-on-election-day fever and spreading it around to those of you who care enough what I, and my friends, have to say.

Social media has given us tremendous access to information- here's to hoping people's ballots are still counted even if they took pictures of them and posted them on the internet.  Let's be real, how would they contest that one, search through all the #voted hashtags on twitter?!  And the real question of the night becomes did you vote if you didn't post about it online?

It's a new world, Golde, time to keep up with it.  Enjoy the links and selection of election day updates and tweets.  All private names and pictures have been protected.  
That's one way of getting through the day
A very cool website to track location, age, and gender of voters as they post on facebook that they have just voted: http://www.facebookstories.com/vote

Video put out by NPR called "A Campaign Map, Morphed By Money": http://www.npr.org/blogs/itsallpolitics/2012/11/01/163632378/a-campaign-map-morphed-by-money

The important things in life
Follow the trajectory of the most competitive states to see who is more likely to win the election. Romney has 76 ways to win, Obama has 431, and there are 5 that would result in a tie. 512 Paths to the White House put together by the New York Times: Paths to the White House

As an Anxious Ohioan, s/he may enjoy the above choose your won adventure "game."  Or it will just make him/her more anxious....

Yes and Yes.
Our resident Canadian chimes in
What about the Green Party?

The people who reference movies on election day... (because the whole facebook world making a Remember, Remember status yesterday wasn't enough)
The Hunger Games informing our daily lives
Mean Girls for the win

And then there's just blaming election results on people drinking

I hope this will make the next few hours just a little bit more fun and exciting!

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